9833 Tecumseh Rd. E. Windsor, ON Phone. (519) 735 7600


A crown (also called a cap) is a man-made cover that protects the top of a tooth. It may be used to restore and preserve a decayed, broken, or cracked tooth. Crowns can also correct some cosmetic tooth problems, giving you a better smile.
Your dentist may advise you to get a crown if you have:
  • A decayed or damaged tooth that needs to be restored to its normal shape and size.
  • A cracked or broken tooth with large cavities or worn fillings.
  • A poor-fitting crown.
  • A tooth that has a large opening on its top surface after root canal surgery.
  • A cosmetic tooth problem.
  • A bite problem.

Restoring your tooth with a crown may take 2 or 3 dental visits. Expect to wait 2 to 3 weeks between appointments and follow the instructions that your dentist gives you.

  1. Before preparing your tooth for a crown, your dentist may first numb the tooth with a local anesthetic. Then, the tooth is filed and shaped, and any decay is scoured from the tooth. A mold is taken of the prepared tooth and the surrounding teeth. A temporary crown is applied to protect the prepared tooth between visits.
  2. The mold of your teeth is sent to the lab to make your permanent crown. Meanwhile, take good care of your temporary crown by avoiding eating hard or sticky foods; brush gently at the gum line around the temporary crown; carefully floss between your teeth – to remove the floss, pull it out from the side of the tooth, not the top.
  3. The temporary crown is removed and replaced with the permanent crown. Your Windsor family dentist will fit the crown and makes sure your bite feels normal. Once you both agree the crown fits properly, it is cemented in place.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a way to replace one or more missing teeth. A fixed bridge is one or more replacement teeth attached to the natural teeth next to them which can only be removed by a dentist. Like crowns, a bridge can be made of metal, tooth-coloured porcelain, or a combination of the two. Your Windsor family dentist will suggest the best material for your mouth.


  • Preparing your teeth – The teeth on either side of the space to be filled must be reshaped which then hold crowns that support the bridge. Impressions of your teeth are the taken which are used to make your bridge. This process takes about two to three weeks. During this time, you may have a temporary bridge to protect your reshaped teeth. 
  • Fitting your bridge – When your new bridge is ready, your dentist places it on your teeth and adjusts the fit until it feels right. The bridge is then cemented or bonded into place. If there are any problems over the following days, it is important to call your dentist so he or she can advise you what to do or make any other adjustments that may be needed. 
Caring for your Bridge
The success of your bridge depends on the level of health of the surrounding teeth and gums. Always clean your bridge and the rest of your mouth carefully, and ask your dentist whether special cleaning aids for bridges would help you maintain your bridge.
  • Brushing – Brush after each meal. Brush the surfaces and sides of your bridge like you do your natural teeth. Use an interdental brush to clean between large spaces.
  • Flossing – Floss at least once a day to dislodge food and bacteria from between teeth and at the gum line. Special thick floss can help keep your bridge clean, and floss threaders help you floss under a fixed bridge.

Dental Visits – See your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and check-up. These dental visits help keep your teeth and gums in good condition. Your dentist can also check to be sure there are no problems with your bridge. If you do notice a problem, especially if your bridge is loose, call your dentist right away. Never try to fix your bridge yourself.

Contact Us


9833 Tecumseh Rd E
(across from Super Bowl Lanes)
Windsor, ON N8R 1A5

(519) 735-7600

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